Upper West Side 1st Birthday Party

The first year seems like the hardest year for the fist time parents. The sleepless nights, all the worrying if you’re doing the right thing for your babies. All the different milestones from feeding them their first food, smiling, laughing, crawling so many things. 

Congratulations, you made it! The fist birthday celebrations are so important for the parents. The child will not remember the celebration, but they will have the photos that will show them how much they were loved on that special day. That is why I  am so glad to be invited to capture these first birthday celebrations. 

Nathaniel birthday was held in a basement of an Upper West Side church in Manhattan, a place he frequents often with his parents. It was a simple celebration with a music guest, bubbles, yummy food and tons of guests who were joyous to be celebrating this special occasion for this little boy and his parents. 

Take a look at some of my favorite moments of Nathaniel party.