Battery Park City Family Session

September is usually the busiest time for most photographers, including myself. I often get contacted by families wanting their early  holiday photos done during fall months. The weather is cooling off in New York, leafs are changing colors in the park and the timing is just perfect for a golden hour shoot. 

I always get excited when I have an opportunity to have a session somewhere other than the usual popular locations in NYC. So when this mom contacted me to have the photoshoot done in Battery Park City I gladly agreed. 

Although I have not shot many sessions at Battery Park I am very familiar with the area. We started our session a the Irish Hunger Memorial — it’s a great little spot with a nice view and little to no people. I like to move around during my photoshoots especially with little boys as they need to be entertained and have fun in order to show their true essence.  

My goal in each and every session is to have many variety of poses, making sure to photograph the kids separately with mom and dad, get a portrait of the kids and try to photograph the parents by themselves. While walking through various parts of Battery City waterfront and letting this little one run around we managed to capture so many great images for this family.