The Moments That I See While Telling The Story of YOUR Family

When I’m spending time with your family I capture moments that I want you to remember forever.  I’m not just looking at what you are actually doing, instead with these photos I want the time to stand still for you, for your family, capturing little details,  looking out for special moments around the scene to tell YOUR story.  

Don’t try to make them happen, they will happen naturally. Believe me. 

That is the beauty of documenting, I want to provide you with memories that you hold on to. Preserving the memories before it is too late. 

Here are some examples from when I spent time with Chen family. 

Your kids favorite book about NYC Subway that they loved to read daily with the whole family plopped on the bed


Your son’s favorite pillow that he carried all around the house and everywhere he went


The way his tongue stuck out whenever he was concentrating


The way he pretended that magnatiles are his train

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The way he held his pencil


And the way he constantly licked his because he had snot coming down ;)


The concentration on your daughter’s face when she was drawing or writing

The details of her first writings


The way she held her finger in her mouth when she was concentrating during a game with her father


The details of her room and the outfit she picked herself


The wholehearted way your whole family laughed when the kids were being silly


Trust me to come into the comfort of your home to tell YOUR story, to find the moments that are magical for YOUR family. 

To book your own storytelling family session contact me here